Cleansing Bundle
Cleansing Bundle
This bundle is perfect to help you clear, cleanse and ground the space around you and get rid of any stagnant or negative energy, to create a calm and tranquil space.
- 1x Sage stick
- 1x Palo Santo wood stick
- 1x Selenite rod
"Into this smoke I release all energies that no longer serve me."
This ancient spiritual ritual, that is a well-established Native American practice, works to cleanse and purify the air. Also aids to restore balance, and to raise and attract higher energies, frequencies, and vibrations.
Scientifically, smoke from burning sage is believed to clear out air born bacteria, which makes the space refreshing and clean helping to breathe and live better.
Palo Santo
Palo Santo is a plant native to South America that has a long history of use by native people for healing and ceremonial purposes. It has a beautiful sweet and woodsy aroma when burnt. The wood is believed to bring many benefits including healing and spiritual properties.
Palo Santo has been known to calm the nervous system, boost immunity & can relieve common colds & respiratory ailments.
Selenite is one of the most powerful crystals when it comes to healing and protection. It is an extremely high vibrating crystal.
Selenite connects us to our Higher Self, cleanses our Aura of the gunk we pick up throughout our day, and NEVER needs to be cleansed it self because the White Light vibes it carries just releases anything that is not for our highest good. Use this stone literally anywhere.
It also has the power to cleanse and clear other crystals of negative energies. Place other crystals on it to cleanse and purify them.
Place on the windowsills of your home or top of door frames to keep out negative energy and cleanse that space.
Just holding Selenite will calm and soothe the soul and give you happy vibes.
* Sage and Palo Santo do not need to be used together, but if you would like to, start with Sage first followed by Palo Santo.
*shell dish not included - available online.